Monday, October 5, 2009

Niagara Falls Worship

It is a wonderful and thrilling experience to me and my family - wife Mrs Padmavathy Somidevi and son Chiranjeevi Maruti Rama Raghav to visit Canada and enjoy seeing the great water falls of Niagara - a World famous fall. 45.5 million gallons of water is released every minute and the roar can be heard to a mile or a little more than a mile. Amazing experience thrilled us more particularly when we visited the falls under an attraction called "Maid of the Mist". We are taken very near to the water falls when the mist circles us and every one gets wet. The cool breeze and the chilling water makes us to forget shivering when we look at the majestic falls keeping our eye brows up. It is really a MAJESTIC nature. There are two kinds of falls and one is named as "American Falls" which is on the side of USA and the same is bifurcated into two - "American Fall" and the other one "Bridal Fall". The attractions on USA side and the Canada side differ though they are related to Niagara Falls. On the Canada Side we find Horse Show falls which is more wider than the American Falls. The Maid of the Mist boats either side take us beneath the falls in Horse Shoe Point falls. It is worth visiting at least once in a life time. I found a number of Indians visiting the place and in each occasion of my visit to the falls I found at least 30 -40% Indians and the rest from different countries across the globe. Let us go further and see some of the photographs before we go deep into the matter.

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